Congratulations on receiving a Grain & Weave in-home photography experience!

How to Redeem Your E-Gift Card

Your card is just like any pre-paid gift card; it comes loaded with an amount and is redeemable against any Grain & Weave package or product.

When booking your session with the office, or purchasing any extras at any time, simply tell our team that you have an E-Card and they can use it to take payments just like a pre-paid debit card.

Can I use it on the website?

At this time, we use two different systems for online payments and ‘in-store’ payments. Please redeem over the phone or during your zoom follow-up.

Can it be reused/topped up?

Yes! Keep your card number handy (and PIN if you set one up) and you can top it up yourself, or share with friends and family.