Premium Canvas

Add subtle texture and a soft, ‘painterly’ feel to your images.

canvas prints sydney newborn

Australian hand-made premium canvas

Our premium canvas wall art is crafted here in Australia and made to order. 

Hand-stretched over a thick, solid and weighty double-profiled 400mm hardwood frame, the quality can be felt in an instant.  Images are naturally enhanced by texture added from the museum-grade heavy weight 440gsm material, which is independently certified 'Archival Quality' by the UK Fine-Arts Guild.  This means that the canvas will not yellow or fade for a minimum of 200 years.

Frameless and timeless

Printed using high quality archival inks and hand-stretched over solid timber frames, our premium canvas pieces are among the highest quality canvas prints available in the industry.

Protected for generations

To add further protection over the years from our often harsh Australian environment, the canvas material is protected with a satin finish UV laminate.

This optically invisible coating helps to shield against light exposure, normal handling and curious little fingers.


Create your own personalised collections

We believe in capturing your connection through personalised portrait photography and displaying it on beautiful hand-made wall art.

With a variety of shapes and sizes available in our Premium Canvas range, you can design your own collections to create the ultimate family story.

You can see examples of our artwork during your in-home sessions.


Browse our finishes: